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日期:2017-11-14  类别:求职简历  编辑:学科吧  【下载本文Word版

  Steve Lee



  No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


  A Sales Manager position within the advertising industry


  Seasoned sales professional able to work with major accounts. Creative and resourceful in generating ideas and solving problems. Able to build strong customer relationships.


  International Sign Supply Denver, CO 2000 - 2004

  Regional Sales Manager

  -Increased sales from $500,000 to $2,000,000.

  -Supervised and trained a sales staff of 3.

  -Suggested new products that increased earnings by 23%.

  On-Time Signs Colorado Springs, CO 1990 - 2000


  -Founded a local sign company that utilized state-of-the-art computerized sign systems. Introduced an oversized digital printer to the community.

  -Created custom signage for ad agencies, local companies and non-profits. Known for reliability, accuracy and quick service.

  -Supervised a staff of 5, including designers, sales associates and office manager.

  Sun Times Newspaper Ft. Collins, CO 1987 -1990

  Advertising Sales

  -Contacted existing and new customers for advertising in a weekly community newspaper.

  -Tripled revenues in two years.

  -Assisted customers in designing and placing their ads.


  Colorado State University Ft. Collins, CO

  Bachelor of Arts, English and Journalism

  Writer and editor for student newspaper

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